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I Know a Guy: Reputation in a Digital World

I know a guy who runs his own business. He doesn't spend a dime on advertising. He doesn't have a website, social media account, or email list. The last time I saw him, I asked him for a business card, and he couldn't find one. He has more business than he can handle. He is excellent at what he does, and he has been doing it a long time. If I need the service he provides, he’s my guy. If you ask me for help with the service he provides, I will say, ”I know a guy.”

I like this guy. But, as a strategist, and as a consumer, I hate to break it to you but, you are not likely that “guy.” And since “gal” isn’t really a term that I feel comfortable using, you probably aren’t that woman either. 

I like to think that even in this new digital age, there will always be people so exceptional that they will need to spend little to no effort trying to reach customers. Just like I believe there will be spiritual guides hidden away in tiny mountain villages, and artisans who will only sell their work to a select few, there will always be some women and men who can buck any trend of marketing or innovation. If this is your path, I wish you well. I hope you will drop me a note so I can keep your contact info tucked away for the day I need you. 

For everyone else, the world is changing fast. Most business cannot survive, let alone thrive in today’s digital, ever-changing marketplace. 

There is a new restaurant opening near my home. It is not a chain supported by the big marketing budget of a corporate office. I hope it thrives. I love local businesses. However, as I drive by and watch them put the finishing touches on the place, I wonder, 

  • How is their website coming?
  • Do they have a local SEO strategy?
  • What are their plans for social media?
  • Are they going to monitor the review websites (Yelp, TripAdvisor, ec.) to make sure they are getting a fair shake?
  • Will they offer online ordering? 
  • Will they sign on with GrubHub? 

Maybe this restaurant will be so spectacular that they won't need any of that. That would be a fantastic place to go. What they might not realize is that even if it is, even if everyone recommends it, people are still going to check online reviews before they check it out in person.

Even if you tell me, “I know a guy,” I am going to Google him.