Mason Hall Media

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Social Media, Websites, Blogs: You Have to Know Why!

I get a lot of requests for help in getting started with or expanding work with numerous marketing tools like social media, websites, and email newsletters.

I always start with one question that often stops the conversation. The question is "Why?"

We need to be on Twitter.


We need a presence on Instagram.


We need a new website.


We need a Facebook business page


I need to start a blog.


The answer is often something like, "Because that is the 'thing' now." Or "Because my competitor has one."

That is not a great reason. What is worse, if you start out with that low level of focus, you are not likely to be successful.

These are tools. Think of them like carpentry tools for a moment.

I do a lot of my own work on my house. I have quite a few tools. Most of them were purchased when I needed them for something in particular.

If someone comes up to me and says, "I need a saw." My answer will also be, "Why?" It is an important question. Very few people buy a saw just to have one. Are you cutting down a tree? Installing baseboard?  Cutting shapes out of plywood? These are very different kinds of saws.

Why do you need to be on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook? Why do you need a new website, blog, or email newsletter?

There are a lot of right answers to that question. But if you don't have an answer, don't waste your time or money. Invest your energy in trying to figure out what you are hoping to accomplish. Then, find someone to help you find the right tool for the job.